Thursday 21 September 2017

Free Writing, Take Two

It's Jenni's turn to do some free writing!

My first attempt at free writing last week went a bit wonky when, out of nowhere, I wrote a really silly poem about a unicorn and then thought 'yup, can't do any better that that today' and got on with some other stuff.

However, today I sat down, set up a timing and wrote for five minute. It was a weird thing, as it always is. You don't think there's anything there to write, then suddenly a whole situation comes out of your imagination. I really like the concept of what I got down today, and I might explore it a little more in the future. And, yeah, it is vaguely connected to unicorns.

Who would you be if you couldn’t be you? Anya asked herself as soared through the clouds. It wasn’t something a person with wings usually asked themselves, but she had been thinking some tough philosophical questions lately, in between flying through waterfalls and chasing eagles.

 Her long blonde hair rippled in the wind as she dived deep into a ravine. She was always on the edges of society careful that no one would see her. Or at least, that no one would see her flying. She usually kept her wings hidden under huge heavy capes or ponchos. He mother had always pressed on her that she needed to keep her special ability hidden. She was petrified that Anya would be taken away.

 But since she had died Anya had been lost, searching for someone else she could trust with her secret, feeling further and further away from humanity. She gracefully brought her body down to land in a hidden hillside, far from her town, and walked over to the rock where she usually hid her outer clothes. With a sigh she tucked her large feathered wings behind her, as much as she could, and shrugged over her thick brown poncho.

I've checked my spellings, but that's it on this one. I wanted to write that she got her poncho from M&S, but my timer buzzed. Ha!

So, have you started to do a bit of free writing? Do it help motivate you or just confuse your writing plans? Let us know!

Oh, and here's that unicorn poem in full

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Jen xx

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